No other consultancy is providing stewardship guidance for sales as we do.

No other consultancy offers stewardship guidance for vendor management as we do.


In the consulting landscape, we stand alone in our service delivery by virtue of:

INTEGRITY: authentic, congruent, genuine, guileless

INTENT: motive and agenda based on mutual benefit

CAPABILITY: a breadth and depth of skills, knowledge and experience across several verticals and market-cap sizes

RESULTS: a 30-year track record of getting things done right

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To serve our fellow man. To do so in a manner serving an organization’s need for unquestionable, strong and measurable ROI.  To do so with focus which brings to bear our unique areas of deep subject matter expertise, resulting in uniquely focused yet broad applicability.

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Our mission is to extend the virtues of stewardship to the business’s customer base and to its vendor base. Specific to the customers, we provide a new paradigm from which to view this most valued asset, one which will increase gross revenues, reduce costs, provide a more sustainable revenue stream and improve morale.

Our role integrates the proverbial C-suite with the sales team to provide an integrated, proactive, programmatic and long-term strategy for your customer’s journey. It brings the customer into the organization as an asset beyond simply a means of revenue; it aligns the firm’s often disparate functions such as operations, finance, marketing and product management to heighten market sensitivity, reduce internal costs and increase both margins and revenue.

Specific to your vendor space, we provide a new paradigm in which key vendors are turned into business assets, where costs are often reduced while simultaneously improving service levels. In some cases, this can also drive business-development opportunities.

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Often thought of in biblical terms, the stewardship definition also plays a critical role in today’s business environment. In the world of commerce, stewardship refers to taking responsibility for the business and the effects it has on the world around it. This involves considering more than just the bottom line and looking at elements such as values, ethics and morals.

A common definition of a steward is a person that is given full responsibility for the valuables of another.

Choosing service over self-interest and the willingness to be accountable for the well-being of an organization by operating in service, rather than in control.

Paradigm Consulting defines sales stewardship in the context of providing concrete, sustainable results.

As an act of governance, sales stewardship directly and positively impacts customer satisfaction and financial strength.

To quote Peter F. Drucker, “To satisfy the customer is the mission and purpose of every business.”

It brings the customer into the organization as an asset beyond simple a means of revenue; it aligns the firm’s often disparate functions such as operations, finance, marketing and product management to heighten market sensitivity, reduce internal costs and increase both margins and revenue.

Sales stewardship leads the organization from transaction-based sales to relationship-based sales; it puts the customer’s needs first as an act of stewardship, resulting in long-term positive economic returns.

Paradigm Consulting defines vendor stewardship in the context of providing concrete, sustainable results.

As an act of governance, vendor stewardship directly and positively impacts financial strength and social responsibility.

Tactically, vendor stewardship redefines how to position the vendor relationships in a more collaborative fashion while, simultaneously reaching improved levels of service and reduced cost. Other tactical benefits may include:

  • Getting contracts with SOWs (Statements of Work), SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and other key performance-metric documentation
  • Building in future competitive rate and business downturn protections
  • Strategically, it delivers many elements of corporate sourcing (a system where divisions of companies coordinate the procurement and distribution of materials, parts, equipment and supplies for the organization. This is a supply chain, purchasing/procurement, and inventory function. This enables bulk discounting, auditing, and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
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The Why

Some want to know the “what” of one’s experiences, expertise, interests, etc. Often the more valuable answer lies in the person’s “Why”. (For a terrific read on this subject, see “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek.”) 

A central Why is a desire to serve my fellow man, internalized over the years as it’s proven the most consistent compass by which to ensure progress. Another pivotal Why is country. Reference vertical alignment of God, country, family, work, and self.  Now more than ever she needs it patriot’s engagement to save her, along with a heaping dose of divine providence.

Often one’s accomplishments are in no small part an indicator of core strength, usually a gift, a trait from God. One of mine is conceptual thinking, seeing over the treetops. The following are credited in part to this gift:

  • Lead enterprise sales manager across the company for Ziply Fiber in 2022.
  • A good ten years ahead of the industry, a lead player in launching an ILEC into a competing ILEC territory. (Launch of a NOOF ring from Verizon into an RBOC franchise.)
  • Responsible for the first fiber-based managed service in the industry before the term “managed service” had ever been heard. (An ATM over SONET network serving multiple AT&T sites with Verizon as the vendor.) This was surrounded by many first-of-kind service deployments, contract terms, etc.
  • Turnarounds of countless territories and accounts.
  • Creating verticals for manufacturers and staff to leverage for years to come. (Mitel platform as ubiquitous PBX platform in H/C field in N. ID as one example.)
  • An unusually high level of success in account management and sales across such a diverse landscape as to be considered not doable. Span included hardware, managed services, and network services; client base size from Fortune 50s to SMB; multiple industries including H/C, finance, manufacturing, mining, timber; fields of IT, LEC, carrier, and ISP.
  • Founder of the Inland NW Tech Pros association. The mission here was to bring best practices to a marketplace a good seven years behind the marketplace at large.  
  • Founder of Paradigm-results consulting. The practice of stewardship across the disciplines of sales, management, and sourcing was years ahead of the curve. One example: the book Profit from the Source released in 2022 was a validation of Paradigm’s position on vendor stewardship.
  • Co-founder of Man Stuff
  • Blockchain advisory board member for MAD Energy


Some Biography Mechanics

  • On a more personal level, a dedication to family & kids. Married since 1981, past board member of Idaho Drug-Free Youth and Sandpoint High School advisory boards, 4H booster, ski instructor, and countless young men introduced to hard & honest work on my property.
  • Born, in 1958 in MN.
  • Lived in eight different states, all rural towns, before graduating from high school as Dad was a corporate climber in the farming equipment business. 
  • Colleges attended included Wenatchee Valley CC for a ski resort management degree and the University of Washington for economics.
  • Moved to ID for the first time in 1972, returning in 2010. 
  • One daughter, one son, and five terrific grandkids.
  • Majority of my career with Verizon in various sales, channel, and management roles.