The Customer’s Paradigm

[ultimate_heading alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]“Customers want a unique response. They want us to make an exception in response to the specifics of their requirements. Responsiveness runs deeper than a friendly voice, good listening skills, a positive attitude, a welcoming website. Customers want more control over their relationship with us. They want to choose who serves them;…

Turning Significant Expense into Competitive Advantage

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Aka The Benefits of Scanning for Vendor Footprint Collapse” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]Paradigm Consulting has suggested a shift in perspective when an enterprise is viewing its vendors, particularly those with the largest share of expense. In very short form, here are opportunities we suggest pursuing. One caution: pursuing any of these even a modicum of…

Marketing: 7 Points Marketing Must Address to Pave the Way for Sales

[ultimate_heading alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;” margin_design_tab_text=””] Early in the customer funnel, if not beforehand, your marketing team should be helping prospects understand these 7 critical points about your business. They establish awareness and credibility upfront, enabling your sales team to have a much higher and faster conversion rate from prospect to customer. “I don’t know your company.”…

Client Churn Rate

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Fallacies and Self-deceit, Followed by a Suggestion” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]Leadership’s Bullet Through the Foot: Self-deceit When it Comes to Addressing Client Churn. In one typical B2B principal survey, 93% of respondents said that customer retention is just as important or more important than new client acquisition. Yet client churn continues at very expensive rates…

2 Fundamentals to Hiring Sales Team Members for Improved Performance

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”1. Understand the baseline characteristics to assess, consider and weigh” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;” margin_design_tab_text=””] Empathy: Without empathy, one cannot pick up on the subtle clues and cues provided by others. Not to be confused with sympathy, empathy enables one to see and feel the prospect’s perspective while also bringing the other side of the discussion…

3 Things You May Wish to Contemplate Regarding Your Organization’s Sales Role

[ultimate_heading alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=”” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;”] Can it be outsourced? In many cases, yes, particularly in a B2C environment. If you’re in the B2C space and leadership has no natural talent in this area and the initiatives for success seem daunting without adding the task of sales to the mix, this might make a great deal of…

The Most Important Thing to Know Before Hiring a Sales Manager

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Do you want a manager or a leader?” alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=”” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;”] We all recognize the well-known path of successful salespeople being promoted to sales manager. Only for painfully too many, they then provide mediocre performance to the organization. However, when the sales-management role is leadership-centric vs. management, the likelihood of success is greater. Conversely,…

The Importance of Integrity

[ultimate_heading alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=”” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;”]“Of all the will toward the ideal in mankind only a small part can manifest itself in public action. All the rest of this force must be content with small and obscure deeds. The sum of these, however, is a thousand times stronger than the acts of those who receive wide public…

Is Your Business Stuck in a Rut? 7 Danger Signs

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Paradigm Consulting is defining VENDOR STEWARDSHIP in the context of providing concrete, sustainable results:” alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=”” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;”] Should decision-making criteria be departmentally or individually centered when impactful to an organization at large? I’m among the last that go for a “team kumbaya,” committee-based decision-making process, but too often, too much power is ceded to…

Sales Leadership and Management: The New Breed Needed

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Paradigm Consulting is defining VENDOR STEWARDSHIP in the context of providing concrete, sustainable results:” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:40px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]Paradigm believes organizations placing high value on their customer base must have exceptionally high expectations of their sales teams. These expectations are of both a higher level of skill than their peers and a broader set of skills.…