Turning Significant Expense into Competitive Advantage

Aka The Benefits of Scanning for Vendor Footprint CollapseParadigm Consulting has suggested a shift in perspective when an enterprise is viewing its vendors, particularly those with the largest share of expense. In very short form, here are opportunities we suggest pursuing. One caution: pursuing any of these even a modicum of hope for success will…


Marketing: 7 Points Marketing Must Address to Pave the Way for Sales

Early in the customer funnel, if not beforehand, your marketing team should be helping prospects understand these 7 critical points about your business. They establish awareness and credibility upfront, enabling your sales team to have a much higher and faster conversion rate from prospect to customer. “I don’t know your company.” “I don’t know your…


Client Churn Rate

Fallacies and Self-deceit, Followed by a SuggestionLeadership’s Bullet Through the Foot: Self-deceit When it Comes to Addressing Client Churn. In one typical B2B principal survey, 93% of respondents said that customer retention is just as important or more important than new client acquisition. Yet client churn continues at very expensive rates in many of the…


The Most Important Thing to Know Before Hiring a Sales Manager

Do you want a manager or a leader? We all recognize the well-known path of successful salespeople being promoted to sales manager. Only for painfully too many, they then provide mediocre performance to the organization. However, when the sales-management role is leadership-centric vs. management, the likelihood of success is greater. Conversely, they do much worse…
